When choosing a credit scheme drew attention to the following conditions:
- repayment of mortgage (classical / annuity) - of this factor depends how you'll get loan: reducing the amount of monthly payment or in equal installments throughout the crediting period;
- single commission bank - depends on how much you pay for a loan in the first month;
- a monthly commission bank - depends on how much to increase your monthly payments to the bank because commission is taken in addition to interest;
- percentage of their initial deposit - depends on what the minimum amount you should have to get loan;
- your monthly income is confirmed - depends on what the maximum amount you can get.
Do not hurry to get a loan. Select the 10-15 most reliable financial institutions (the official) that provide credit services in your country. Compare credit programs in these banks. Choose the most appropriate for your program. Take account for the selected institutions and their programs in different currencies and various loan schemes. And on the basis of these data to make informed decisions.
Also keep in mind is that you immediately when you receive the mortgage will need to pay some or all of these types of payments: state taxes, notarization of contracts, life insurance and the borrower's mortgage insurance facility.