Percentage calculator

This online service does the following with percents: finding percent of this number, the calculation of the percentage ratio between the numbers, the addition or subtraction of percentage of a given number.

In the form, select the type of calculation calculator, enter the number and percentage (or the second number to find the percentage), provide the accuracy of the calculation and click on "Calculate".


decimal places

Percentage of a number is called a hundredth part of that number. Used to refer to the share of anything in relation to the whole. Percent - is a special form of decimal fractions, a hundredth of a whole, taken as one. Denoted by the symbol %. One per cent, or a thousandth of a called - ppm.

In addition to the notation of a share, interest is also used to compare two values. When comparing the percentage required is relative to what value was calculated percentage. For example, revenues exceed expenses by 2% and food prices have increased by 5% compared to the previous month.

The number of interest may be more than 100. This means that the share of the greater whole. Usually the value of more than 100 is used when comparing the percentage in statistical and financial calculations in solving mathematical problems.

Economic definition of "percent" - a gain, benefit, advantage.

As a financial concept of "percent" means the fee that one person (the debtor) to another person (the creditor) for the fact that the latter provides the first temporary use of money.

Often in business vocabulary used the expression "to work for the percent." This phrase means to work for a fee, calculated on the basis of turnover or profit. It represents the percentage of fees that are characteristic of the employee.

Percentages used in various statistical calculations in many areas of business, accounting, financial institutions (in the calculation of payments on loans, deposits and other financial services).

How to calculate the percent on a calculator