Calculator of the pyramid surface area

Enter the length of side, height or apotheme, enter the calculation accuracy and click on "Calculate". The calculator will calculate the surface area of a pyramid.

Calculator of the pyramid volume


surface area pyramid
decimal places

Pyramid - a polyhedron consisting of flat polygons and points (not lying in the plane of the base) and all the segments joining the top of the pyramid with base points. Segments connecting the top of the pyramid with the top of the base, called the lateral edges.

Surface of the pyramid consists of a base and side edges. Each lateral face - a triangle. One of its vertices is the top of the pyramid, and the opposite side - side of the base of the pyramid.

The height of the pyramid is the perpendicular dropped from the top of the pyramid on the ground plane. The apothem of a regular polygon is a line segment from the center to the midpoint of one of its sides.

A triangle-based is more often called a tetrahedron.

The area of the lateral surface of the pyramid is defined as SA = 1⁄2PL, where P - perimeter of the base, L - apothem.

Total surface area of the cylinder is defined as SA = 1⁄2PL + S, where P - perimeter of the base, L - apothem, S - area of the base.